DTG Help Thomas Swan Understand Digital Leadership

DTG were very helpful in providing a framework and structure’ Senior leaders from the Thomas Swan & Co. Ltd facility in Consett, County Durham took time out recently to reflect upon their current approach to their Digitalisation journey. Attending a workshop, aimed specifically at supporting leadership teams to deeply understand their digital challenge, the team are now […]
DTG Role Perfect Fit for Meghan’s Career Aspirations

“The experience I have and will continue to gain at DTG will be invaluable.” After graduating last summer, Meghan Harvie had set her sights on a career in either pharmaceutical processing or environmental consultancy, so when the role of Digital Consultant at DTG became available, she knew it would be a perfect, if challenging fit. […]
Ukraine Situation Driving UK to Bolster Cyber Resilience

If the guidance fills you with fear, it probably means you’re missing an OT Cyber Strategy As we continue to watch the biggest global military powers flex their muscles over Ukraine, it may not, at first sight, be obvious to see the relevance of this to the current condition of your companies’ cyber defences. However, […]
Have We Reached Digitalisation’s Tipping Point?

Going forward, industry will be more demanding of itself, with customers more prepared to ask, ‘why not?’ As we gradually return from the festive break, the challenges of a new year will rapidly come into focus, and for many businesses and organisations the key dilemma is whether now is the right time to commit and […]
DTG Present at Digitalisation & Cyber Conference

Delighted to be supporting the processing and pharma manufacturing sectors in the North East DTG were proud to be a part of the recent Digitalisation & Cyber Security Conference hosted in Durham by the North East of England Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC). The not-for-profit organisation supports the needs and interests of the sector in the […]
Don’t Make Cyber Criminals Wish It Was Christmas Everyday

‘Holiday period attacks no coincidence – simply sophisticated planning’ As the holiday season approaches, we will all have a stack of things to do before we rush away to take some well earned time off to relax with family and friends – BUT – unfortunately, this change to our normal daily routine and mass desertion […]
DTG Partners with Immerse to Accelerate Organisations in Their Digital Transformation Journey

Virtual Reality a key enabler for skilling employees to support Digital Transformation With Virtual Reality (VR) being used increasingly across organisations to transform the traditional ways in which we learn, explore, and interact, DTG has today announced its new exciting partnership with enterprise VR software provider, Immerse. DTG is a digital transformation company, delivering technology and […]
DTG Ready to Support UK Skills Landscape

‘For the economy to truly recover, we must embrace and exploit new digital technologies’ According to The Open University’s annual business report, published in partnership with the Institute of Directors, the UK’s current skills shortage will be a long-term strategic challenge for employers. The Business Barometer report identifies that since the disruption to the labour market caused […]
Digital Manufacturing Baseline Assessment Drives Benefit for Accord Healthcare

“DTG had the knowledge and experience we required to focus our effort” DTG has successfully completed a recent study with global healthcare manufacturer Accord Healthcare, working with the organisation to analyse its existing digital strategy and identify future opportunities across their UK facilities. The baseline study, using DTG’s unique, non-intrusive engagement approach, combined with extensive […]
COP26 – Is it Time for Digitalisation to Step Up?

New digital technologies can deliver both for productivity and for the planet. With the UN’s Climate Change summit (COP26) now just around the corner, thousands of powerful and influential people will converge on Glasgow from all around the world to focus on arguably the greatest challenge to ever face mankind. The UN Secretary General recently […]